Tailored Chiropractic Treatments

Custom Adjustments

At Involve Health, we believe that every adjustment needs to be just as unique are you are. That’s why we take the time to get to know you, your health goals, and what works best for your body. You can rest assured that each time you enter our doors, you’ll receive quality adjustments customized just for you.

  • Woman Receiving Treatment

    Hands-On Adjustments

    So often referred to as “Diversified”, hands-on Chiropractic treatments are Dr. Jessica’s expertise. From light mobilizations to more traditional adjustments, she adapts the velocity and amplitude of the manipulations to your preference and what works best for your body.

  • Woman Stretching Back

    Instrument Assisted Adjustments

    Sometimes, less is more. Chiropractic instruments allow Dr. Jessica to fine-tune the movement needed with very precise mechanical impulse. Using the state-of-the-art Activator instrument and the ArthroStim technology, even babies and individuals with certain conditions (e.g.: osteoporosis) can safely benefit from Chiropractic care.

  • Person Receiving Treatment

    Postural Adjustments

    Retraining your body to adopt a different posture is hard work! Luckily, Chiropractic makes it easier. Dr. Jessica uses a thorough evaluation from your feet up to your head to determine what needs to shift, in which direction, and how much. Neuromusculoskeletal (that’s a mouthful!) techniques such as Thompson (drops) and Flexion-Extension manipulations are often used in addition to passive modalities listed below.

Curated Modalities

We bring your chiropractic experience to the next level with therapies that compliment your Chiropractic adjustments, helping you get better faster and fully correct any imbalances.  

The secret to long-lasting results is combining chiropractic manipulations (correcting the alignment) with connective tissue healing (releasing the muscle/fascia/tendon tension around it).

Every patient has unique circumstances, so cookie-cutter treatments just don’t work. That’s why Dr. Jessica tailors each patient’s sessions with hand-selected modalities.

Advanced Modalities

  • Dr. Jessica uses Superficial Dry Needling to emphasize healing in specific areas. If you are familiar with Acupuncture, visualize the same tiny needles used to release tension around an area of concern. Instead of applying the needles to Chinese Medicine meridian points, the needles are inserted in and around trigger points, fascia adhesions, tendon insertions, bursa and joint capsules. Dry Needle is very effective in resolving stubborn inflammation in acute and chronic soft-tissue conditions such as tendinitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, etc.

  • The Alpha-Stim M device provides Microcurrent Electrical Therapy (MET). We use this device for one main reason: fast and long-lasting pain relief without the downsides of prescription and over-the-counter pain medications. But because the microcurrent can be delivered as Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), we also use this technology to help patients manage their anxiety, insomnia and depression/depression-like symptoms. This device is truly revolutionary, offering better outcomes than medication and being so comfortable most patients don’t even feel it. We also offer weekly rental of a unit for at-home use.

  • Because sometimes Laser Therapy can be too powerful for certain conditions/individuals, Red Light and Infrared therapy come and fill this therapeutic gap. Offered as focused therapy using a lamp, a wrap or a wand, the combination of Red and Infrared wavelengths assist with pain modulation, collagen production, surface inflammation, scar healing/adhesions and micro-circulation. We also have a wrap unit available for at-home use (weekly rental).

  • Using the new Lightforce FXi Class IV laser, Involve Health is taking its care to the next level. Therapeutic laser uses extremely focused light to produce photobiomodulation (PBM), a healing cellular process. This results in an increased micro-circulation, increased mitochondria function and decreased nociceptors response (in other words, less pain). This modality is mainly utilized for acute neuromusculoskeletal injuries (e.g.: sprains and strains) and chronic (stubborn) pain.

  • With the Hill Laboratories Air Flex II table, spinal traction offered at our office is comfortable, precise, and effective. By adjusting the force of distraction (in pounds) and the time structure, this modality is also highly personalized to your needs. Both Cervical and Lumbar distractions are available. Mechanical Traction is particularly helpful for patients with disc degeneration, bulging disc, stenosis, hyperkyphosis, etc.

  • Your organs may need some movement too! With gentle abdominal manipulations, Dr. Jessica helps your body release tension in your visceral tissue and surrounding structures. From diaphragmatic release to ileocecal valve stimulation, visceral manipulations are effective at reducing visceral inflammation, increasing gut motility (i.e. resolving constipation), enhancing pulmonary capacity, etc.

Standard Modalities

  • While all exercises have their benefits, certain movements can help your unique body better than others! Dr. Jessica offers assistance with specific exercises that will help support your alignment. From stretching to strengthening exercises, by doing these specific movements at-home, muscle imbalances will soon be part of the past.

  • Kinesio Taping is often the icing on the cake. Once your alignment has been corrected and your soft tissues activated, it can be useful to use Taping methods to keep everything in place while still allowing movement. We use the patented technology of RockTape because of its unique design offering comfortable, long-lasting support and increased effectiveness. There is a reason why athletes use this brand!

  • Dr. Jessica also works on affected muscles manually. Using techniques such as Active Release Technique (ART) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), this is another modality where you will be asked to work! By using assisted contracting and stretching techniques, we are sending a message to specific overworked muscles that it is time to let go. Even better, Manual Therapy can be performed in only a few minutes.

  • At times, amongst all the wonderful technologies, we need to go back to basics! Still, probably one of the biggest debates in physical therapy — ice or heat? Political answer: it depends! Dr. Jessica will be able to guide you and even offer short sessions of ice, moist heat or alternating both, which is a great (and relaxing) add-on to your therapeutic experience. Of course, this is also something you can do at home as needed.

Get prepped for your custom experience.