Invest in your health.

Insurance is confusing. We’re here to help.

As a wellness practice, most of our services are not covered by health insurance. We have worked hard to be able to provide quality services at a reasonable and predictable fee. This is the reason we are applying a Flat Fee concept to our services, leaving behind the too-common surprise expenses associated with healthcare.

While Functional Medicine and Positive Psychology services are not billable to insurance regardless of the situation, Chiropractic treatments may be partially reimbursed. This depends on the type of insurance, stipulations of your plan, and whether or not your services are considered medically necessary. Insurance does not cover for maintenance/preventive Chiropractic care or any maintenance/preventative modalities included in our Chiropractic sessions. Certain acute modalities also may not be covered by your plan. In the insurance world, Chiropractic medical necessity can only be met when the treatments are provided to address an acute injury. This condition will be assessed by Dr. Jessica at the time of service.

Stethoscope and Computer

Insurance Reimbursement

We are in network with traditional Medicare and select Blue Cross Blue Shield plans (please note that we do not accept any Medicare Advantage or Medicaid/Tenncare plans).

If we are in-network with your plan, your cost for acute Chiropractic care may be lower than the fee schedule below. Feel free to contact our office and provide your policy details for a personalized estimate.

Woman Using Tablet Outside

Planning and Budgeting

We believe that your health is the most important thing to invest in, and we want to make sure you can do so as easily as possible. Your account will be set up for worry-free payments, so you won’t ever have to worry about forgetting your card or missing a bill. You may elect to use a debit/credit card or your HSA/FSA card. Alternatively, our office is set up with Care Credit, which may offer 0% financing options for your Chiropractic care.

The Magic of a Flat Fee Schedule

We are in the healthcare field and yes, we can tell you how much it is going to be!

Chiropractic Fees
Chiropractic Initial Visit (Exam + Necessary X-Rays + Treatment): $259
Focused Chiropractic Treatment: $68
Extended Chiropractic Treatment: $90
Complex Chiropractic Treatment: $110

Functional Medicine Fees
Functional Medicine Initial Visit: $389
Comprehensive Functional Medicine Follow-Up: $215
Functional Medicine Follow-Up: $135
Focused Functional Medicine Follow-Up: $75
(All labs are provided at a greatly discounted rate. Please see Our Technology and Partners for a list of our preferred Labs.)

Positive Psychology Fees
Positive Psychology Initial Visit: $175
Positive Psychology Follow-Up: $135

Rental Fees
Our Alpha-Stim CES/MET device and Infrared/Red Light Therapy units are also available to use in the comfort of your home. More time for treatments, incredible savings. Weekly Rentals - $135/week.

Check out our technology and partners.